21/12/2022 6191 0

1. Events and festivals before the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit in 2023

1.1. The 1st An Nhon Golden Apricot Festival - 2023
- Time: 8:00 p.m. from January 7 to January 9, 2023 (December 16 - 18 of the Year of the Tiger)
- Content:
+ Opening the festival and performing the art of serving the people (Opening Night).
+ Displaying 190 yellow apricot trees with different shapes, symbolizing 190 years of An Nhon's name
+ Contest of skills in shaping traditional apricots
+ Exhibition of craft village products and food stalls serving Tet
+ Expressions Performing Bai Choi opera
+ Organizing a Bai Choi festival +
Human chess contest
+ Water music performance
+ Exhibition of Binh Dinh fine art paintings and An Nhon art photos of the past and present
+ Organize folk games
- Location: At the central square of An Nhon town (Le Hong Phong street, Binh Dinh ward)

1.2 . Opening ceremony of the mascot symbol of the Year of the Rabbit 2023, decorating the campus of the monument Nguyen Tat Thanh - Nguyen Sinh Sac and a photo exhibition on socio-economic achievements of Binh Dinh province in 2022
- Time: Displayed from the 13th January 1, 2023 to the end of January 31, 2023 (December 22 of the Year of the Tiger to the end of January 10 of the Year of the Rabbit). Inauguration ceremony: At 16:00 ', January 13, 2023 (on the 22nd of December in the year of the Tiger).
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city

1.3. The exhibition of Xuan Quy Mao Newspaper in 2023   
- Time: from January 14 to 19, 2023 (on December 23 - 28 of the Year of the Tiger)
- Location: Library of Binh Dinh province, Quy Nhon city

1.4. Contest "Make Chung cake, Banh Tet"
- Time: 3:30 pm, from 16 to 17 January 2023 (December 25 - 26 in the year of the Tiger)
- Location: Center for Culture - Information - Sports sports (47 Nguyen Hue, Quy Nhon city)

1.5. Contest "Building a bridge to welcome the traditional New Year"
- Time: 15:30 on January 18, 2023 (December 27, Year of the Tiger)
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city

1.6. Street art program
 Time: 17h00 - 19h00, from January 19 to 20, 2023 (December 28 - 29 of the Year of the Tiger)
- Location: Victory Square and Nhon Hai commune, Quy Nhon city.

2. Events and festivals during and after the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit in 2023

2.1. Art program to welcome the New Year
 Time: 21h00 - 24h00 on 21/01/2023 (New Year's Eve)
 Location: At 03 locations
+ Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city
+ Town Square Hoai Nhon, Hoai Nhon town
+ Square in front of Quang Trung Museum, Tay Son district

2.2. Fireworks to welcome the New Year
- Time: 24h00 on 21/01/2023 (New Year's Eve)
- Location: at 03 locations (Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Hoai Nhon town square, Square in front of the Museum Quang Trung)

2.3. Street Caraval Program
- Time: 07h00 on 22/01/2023 (1st day of Tet)
- Location: Victory Square, Quy Nhon City

2.4. Go Fair - Australian School
- Time: 07h00 on 22/01/2023 (1st day of Tet)
- Location: Phong Thanh village, Tuy Phuoc town, Tuy Phuoc town

2.5. Lunar New Year Art Program
- Time: starting at 19:30 on January 22, 23, and 24, 2023 (1st, 2nd and 3rd day of the Lunar New Year).
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon City

2.6. Organize a number of science and technology performances
- Time: Evenings from January 23, 2023 to January 25, 2023 (2nd - 4th Lunar New Year of the Rabbit)
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon City

2.7. Boat Racing Festival
 Time: From 13h30 on 23/01/2023 (2nd day of Tet)
- Contents:
+ Ceremony: Introduction of the traditional Boat Racing Association on Go Boi River; Music - Folk songs "Hello New Spring";
+ Assembly part: Men's 1600 meter swimming cross-section (two double rounds);
                              800 meters women's crossbow race (01 double round);
                              Men's collective rowing: distance of 2400 meters (03 double rounds);
                              Women's collective rowing: 1600 meters (02 double laps).
- Location: Go Boi River, Phuoc Hoa commune, Tuy Phuoc district (in front of the memorial house of poet Xuan Dieu).

2.8. Human Flag Performance
- Time: 19h00 on 24/01/2023 (3rd day of Tet)
- Location: Victory Square, Quy Nhon city

2.9. City Dragon Dance Festival - 2023
- Time: 19:00, from January 25 to 26, 2023 (4th - 5th Lunar New Year)
- Location: Victory Square, Quy Nhon city

2.10. Festival to celebrate 234 years of Ngoc Hoi Victory - Dong Da
- Time: From 14h30, from 25th to 27th January, 2023 (April 4th - 6th of Tet)
- Program content:
+ Ceremony part: Offering incense at Dai Kinh Thien, the Tay Son Tam Kiet Twin Temple (Go Lang relic); Celebration and offering flowers and incense at Quang Trung Museum.
+ Part of the festival: Traditional martial arts performance program; Bai Choi Tuong and Opera; Lion Dragon and other cultural and sports activities at Quang Trung Museum area.
- Location: Kinh Thien Radio, Quang Trung Museum, Tay Son District

2.11. Folk Poker Association
- Time: 19:00, from January 25 to February 5, 2023 (4th of Tet to January 15)
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city

2.12. Competition "Performing Folk Bai Choi"
- Time: 19:00, from January 27 to January 28, 2023 (6th - 7th New Year's Eve)
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square (The area for playing cards of people's huts) space), Quy Nhon city

2.13. Binh Dinh Arena Night Program
- Time: Evening, from 28th to 29th January 2023 (7th - 8th Lunar New Year)
- Location: Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city

2.14. Nguyen Tieu Poetry Festival
- Time: Evening, from February 4 to 5, 2023 (January 14 - 15)
- Location: Conference Center lobby (Truong Chinh Street), Quy Nhon city

2.15. Ba Nuoc Man Pagoda Festival (Nuoc Man City)
- Time: 09:00 on February 19-21, 2023 (From January 29 to February 2).
- Contents:
+ Ceremony part: Ceremony to receive the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Certificate (9:00 am on February 19, 2023, ie January 29).
+ Part of the festival: religious activities of Nghinh Than color procession, performance of Tuong, Bai Choi to serve the people
- Location: Ba Pagoda, Phuoc Quang commune, Tuy Phuoc district.

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