Cu Lao Xanh - the ideal tourist destination for the summer

18/09/2019 10494 0
Located separate from the noisy and bustling pace of the city, no skyscrapers, factory smokes, no car horns, motorbikes bustle, ... Cu Lao Xanh only has the sound of waves. whispering, blue sea, white sand, golden sunshine, fun parties under the moonlight and charming peace will be the ideal choice for visitors this summer.
Green in Cu Lao Xanh - Le Trinh
Coming to the green Cu Lao, you will be greeted with the most brilliant appearance, a beautiful little island in the middle of the sea, covered by many green trees of the mountain blended with the cool blue of the sea water and the sky created. so the "picture" of the landscape is both charming and wild and majestic. The scene ahead is very simple, the boats are anchored near the shore waiting for the time to go to sea, children are barefoot, regardless of noon, innocent playing with the sand, bathing in the sea.
Wharf Cu Lao Xanh - Le Trinh
From the center of the island, you follow a concrete road and pass small houses to the famous 100-year-old Lighthouse built entirely of stone in the French period, painted 3 striking compartments up to 119 m high. compared to sea level. Cu Lao Xanh lighthouse is a combination of two Gothic styles of the West and Eastern architecture. The tower has a cylindrical shape, inside there is a spiral staircase of 58 steps.
Cu Lao Xanh Lighthouse - Collectibles
From the lighthouse, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the island's life. At night, the lighthouse has a mysterious look like the "divine eyes" of the sea, magical between hundreds of shimmering lights like a beautiful flower.
A corner of Cu Lao Xanh - Le Trinh
Continuing along the roads around the beach, through the beautiful wild flowers, visitors can explore many other impressive destinations such as the Fatherland flagpole, steppe rocky beach, Gieng Tien stream, ...
Wave-blocking embankments in Cu Lao Xanh - Le Trinh
Especially if you come here but you miss swimming, diving and watching coral, it is a huge shortage because Cu Lao Xanh Island owns many beautiful beaches such as Chuong beach, Nha Cu beach, Nom beach, beach. barrel wells, coral reefs .... with clear blue sea water, rich marine biology and coral reefs of all shapes and colors that are very suitable for ocean-bed exploration activities.
Corals at Green Isle - collect
Associated with the beautiful land, full of sunshine and sea breeze, the people here are also too simple, simple and rustic ... Coming to Cu Lao Xanh, you will have the opportunity to be guided enthusiastically by the people to spread. Experience the excitement of trying to be a real fisherman: go fishing, fishing, scuba diving, night squid fishing, ... And especially, you do not have to worry about eating problems because the seafood here Most of them are caught during the day, so it is very fresh, the price is quite cheap, you can go to the market to buy a lot of delicious seafood to cook for yourself or you can ask people to cook a hearty meal.
Achievement of experience as a fisherman - Le Trinh
In addition, you will have the opportunity to enjoy one of the rustic dishes that visitors cannot ignore are the famous squid pancakes, the famous anchovy pancakes that cost only a bowl of pho.
Squid pancakes, anchovies in Cu Lao Xanh - Le Trinh

After a day of sightseeing, visitors can choose for themselves a lovely homestay by the beach or set up a tent, set a campfire, be drunk with a seafood party on the beach with a starry night sky, the wind brings the breath thousands of concerts with peaceful sound of waves create a melodious and passionate music, which will surely sob all souls that are hardest to indulge. /.

Source: Lê Trinh - TTTTXTDL

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