Conference to implement the Government's Resolution, the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council on socio-economic development and the state budget estimate in 2023

18/01/2023 5563 0
The conference took place on the afternoon of January 4, at the Provincial Convention Center, in the form of direct and online collaboration, under the chairmanship of provincial leaders: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee , Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee: Nguyen Tuan Thanh, Lam Hai Giang, Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang.

Representatives of departments, branches and localities received the Decision on assigning socio-economic targets in 2023

Attending the Conference were members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing members of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of departments, agencies and branches of the province and 11 districts, towns and cities; representatives of industry and business associations in the province…

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Thanh - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee presented a summary report on the implementation of socio-economic development tasks in 2022. , deploying the mission in 2023. REDIn order to successfully implement the Resolution of the Government, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Council on the socio-economic development plan and the 2023 budget estimate, contributing to the successful implementation and completion of the socio-economic development plan for the period. From 2021 to 2025, the Provincial People's Committee requires all levels, branches and localities to focus on renovating their working style according to the motto "be an example, discipline, focus, breakthrough"; determined to successfully implement the goals and tasks set out in 2023, striving to achieve a GRDP growth rate of about 7% - 7.5.In which: Agriculture, forestry and fishery increased by 3 - 3.2%; industry and construction increased by 9 - 9.5% (in which industry increased by 9.5 - 9.7%) and the index of industrial production increased by 7.5 - 7.7%; services increased by 7.9 - 8.7%; product tax minus product subsidies increased by 9%. Total export turnover reached 1.6 billion USD. Total budget revenue is 13,650 billion VND (of which, domestic revenue is 12,558.5 billion VND).

Addressing the Conference, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung identified difficulties in 2023, which are inflation; Tightening monetary policy; difficulties in production and business of enterprises, especially in the wood processing industry; attracting investment is difficult; more and more workers lose their jobs; Some markets such as real estate, stocks, etc.On the basis of identifying difficulties and challenges in 2023, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee requested that after this conference, the Provincial People's Committee and departments, branches and localities must have specific programs, plans, solutions and expenses. detailed and feasible to achieve the goals and targets. It is necessary to review to clear institutional bottlenecks, supplement mechanisms, policies, regulations, regulations, processes and procedures between levels and sectors, to make it "smooth from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom. bottom to top”. It is necessary to innovate the way of thinking and doing, to boldly propose new ideas, to stick to the work, to stick to the facilities, locations and businesses to promptly remove difficulties. Focusing on drastically directing to remove bottlenecks to speed up the progress of public investment, especially the North-South expressway project passing through Binh Dinh province in the second quarter of 2023 to hand over the entire site; completing the coastal route…, to create new space for development. Along with that, attention must be paid to socio-cultural development, especially social security; determined to take the lead in digital transformation, associated with administrative reform to create room for development for the province in the coming time.

Receiving the direction of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan affirmed that the Provincial People's Committee and other departments, branches and localities will fully understand, grasp deeply and seriously with specific actions. , quantifiable. Provinces and departments, branches and localities have committed to do, and have to do it effectively.

At the conference, the heads of 24 departments and branches and 11 districts, towns and cities signed an emulation contract with the province. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan handed over the decision to assign socio-economic targets in 2023 to departments, branches and localities.

Kim Ngoc

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